The world divides human history as B.C. and A.D. B.C. meaning Before Christ, A.D. meaning Anno Domini, the year of the Lord. But from God’s view point the cross of Christ is the dividing line of human history. As one Italian author put it, B.C. means before da cross and A.D. means after da cross.
Please come to understand that the New Testament does not begin at the birth of Christ, truth is it begins at the cross, at the death of Christ. Let’s look at God’s Word Hebrews 9:16-18 for proof. “In the case of a covenant, (will or testament) it is necessary to prove the death of the one who made it, because a covenant is in force only when somebody has died; it never takes effect while the one who made it is living. This is why even the first covenant was not put into effect without blood.”
Therefore, it is the death of Jesus not His birth that initiates the New Testament.
Our Lord Jesus was born under the law, He lived under the law, He taught under the law, He fulfilled the law (the only one who ever did and ever will) and He also died under the law to usher in the New Testament.
Sadly, many Christians think the New Testament begins with Mathew Chapter 1 at the birth of Christ, and that is where all the confusion begins. Christian brothers and sisters are trying to live by the teachings of Christ which are all teachings still under the law. Remember He had not died yet, and therefore, the New Testament was not yet in force, no shed blood. Remember Hebrews 9:16-18 above.
In the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew’s gospel, Jesus (still teaching under the law) makes it clear that there are sinful attitudes and appetites of the mind (as a man thinks) as well as sinful actions.
Our Lord added a whole new dimension of sin with these words: “You have heard that it was said ‘do not commit murder’, but I tell you that anyone who gets angry with his brother will be subject to judgment…you have heard that it was said ‘do not commit adultery, but I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully is guilty of adultery.” Then in Matthew 5:48 He says, “Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.”
Well, good luck! There is not a man alive who can live like this successfully and Jesus knew it. That’s why Jesus came, to redeem us, to be our Savior, our Lord, our Master, and our very life. All of His teaching in the Gospels were meant to be applied to the new (born again) life we received at salvation, after the cross! His life in us, that is the mystery of our faith, “Christ in you the hope of glory.” (Col 1:27)
LIFE LESSON: In John 6:28-29 the disciples asked Jesus “what must we do to do the work God requires?” Jesus answered ‘the work that God requires is this: to believe in the One He has sent’.” That’s why we are called believers not achievers! Romans 10:4 tells us: “Christ is the end of the law so that there may be righteousness for everyone who believes.” The gospels are the conclusion of the old Testament.
Jesus Christ died on the cross for us to give His life to us, to live His life through us. He is the perfect Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world. His death on the cross ushered in the New Testament (Covenant) and that is the DIVIDING LINE OF HUMAN HISTORY (FROM GOD’S VIEW POINT).
The old became new at the cross. I hope this helps put it all together.
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Growing in His Grace