Time is all the minutes, days, months, and years of the past, present, and the future. How many days in a year? How many days in a month? Days in a week? Hours in a day? Minutes in an hour? Seconds in a minute? Boy you guys are good! How about this one? How many seconds in a day? Gotcha here, didn’t I, maybe? The answer is 86,400 seconds.
So, how do you spend your time each day? Are you scheduling time with the Rock of your Salvation? God’s Word says “This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it.” This day, today, has 24 hours or 86,400 seconds in it, and everyone has the same amount of time to spend in each day. Picture this: every day, $86,400 is placed in your bank account to spend with one stipulation. If you don’t spend it all, you lose it. Now you can spend it on things of personal value, physical value, or things that are of eternal value. Of course you know, that in the end when our lives are over here on earth, only things of eternal value will remain. Everything else is wood, hay, and stubble. Well, how we spend our time, those 86,400 seconds each and every day is really no different. Only the time we spend on eternal matters will matter. But keeping track of this time is another issue.
Did you know that in 1790 only 10 per cent of the population had a clock to tell time and no clock had a minute hand? Up until 1900, there were no wrist watches. Time has sure changed. But the question remains, how do you spend your time? Do you have time to spare or are you just killing time?
A teacher was illustrating a time management principal for his students. He took out a big glass jar which he said represented a new day. Then he took a tray of big rocks and asked his class how many rocks it would take to fill the jar. Some said 5, some said 6, so he put the big rocks in until it seemed full. Then he asked them if the jar was full and they all said yes. He then took a tray of smaller rocks and started filling them in around the big rocks, he then asked the same question, is the jar full? They again said yes. The teacher then poured sand into the jar, filling it to the top. This time the students insisted the jar was full. He then took a glass of water and poured it into the jar, finally filling it to the brim. Then he makes his point which is: “If you don’t put the big rocks in first, the most important things you have to accomplish that day, you will never get them into your day.”
So the real keyis to begin filling your day with what’s most important. And what’s most important for the Christian is to spend time with Jesus.
Let us not allow this busy world to place obstacles in our path to divert our time and focus away from God’s purpose for our lives.
KEY VERSE: “Whatever you do whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him.” Col 3:17 Time is of the essence.
LIFE LESSON: “All knowledge is the outgrowth of obedience – everything else is just information. Information must be converted to application or it will do you absolutely no good.” (Watchman Nee) “The aim of learning is not just knowledge, it’s application. When one brings together knowledge and application, it equals wisdom. Wisdom is applied knowledge.”
The book of Esther in the Old Testament, Chapter 4:14b says, “And who knows but that you have come to royalposition…for such a time as this.” The book of 1 Peter in the New Testament Chapter 2:9 says, “But you are a chosen people, a royalpriesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His wonderful light.” Time is of the essence. And let me add…”for such a time as this.”
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